Monday, September 10, 2007

Basic Crockpot Pork (or Chicken if you fancy)

Ok, so after my last post...we got hit with some crap of a stomach bug. And we seem to have eaten out a lot or have a lot of simple things like grilled chicken and the sort. Today was the first time I've "cooked" in a while. This is a very quick versatile recipe that has unlimited possibilities

Basic Crockpot Pork
Serves 4

1 lb frozen boneless pork chops, trimmed
1 can flavored diced tomatoes (tonight I used Italian)
1 small can mushrooms
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Spray crockpot with cooking spray. Toss in porkchops. Top with tomatoes and mushrooms.

I cook on high for 3 hours. I find that cooking from frozen ensures that your meat won't dry out. I wouldn't do it for more than 8 hours on low though.

When done, sprinkle in cornstarch and wisk quickly to avoid lumps. Recover and allow "sauce" to thicken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today was the first time I have "cooked" in a while. This is a very quick versatile recipe that has unlimited not possibilities.